SEPATOU : simulator of rotational grazing management in a dairy production system




Modeling framework

The SEPATOU system is designed  to enable the modelling and simulation of various types of dairy farms and production management modes. It essentially reproduces the dynamics of two interactive processes: the cognitive one (the management behaviour of the farmer) and the biophysical one of the response of herbage and milk production to climatic factors and situation-dependent management actions. These two processes are at the core of the production system that from a systemic point of view can be decomposed into the decision system made of the planning and acting systems, the information system made of the monitoring and observing systems and finally the biotechnical system.

The biotechnical system can be decomposed into the executing system that involves labor, machinery and various inputs (conserve feed stocks, fertilizer) and the biophysical system that is the controlled system involving the fields and the cows.

The decision system  essentially performs the decision-making task with which the farmer is confronted each day: it generates management actions. The complexity of the management task requires that it be broken down into two simpler dependant modules: the temporal planner (planning system) and the generator of executable actions (acting system). The temporal planner produces a set of task plans and implementation constraints. The planner’s responsibility is to ensure a regular forward-looking commitment over the production horizon. The plans produced by the planner are not directly executable; they are made up of instructions that need to be expanded at execution time. This is the role of  the executable action generator that decides what to do according to the general instructions of the planner in relation to the current situation. The plans and the actions generated by the decision system are actually resulting from the application of a management strategy.

The role of the information system is to provide access to the relevant data concerning the biophysical system and the external environment. What is relevant is highly subjective and is actually part of the decision-making behavior adopted. The information system has two functions:

These two functions are those of the observing and monitoring systems respectively. The interpretation functions of the observation system are used to reproduce the real situation of a decision-maker that (a) has only partial access to information (due to lack of time and sensing devices) and (b) relies on aggregated pieces of data for cognitive simplicity.

The functioning of the production system is highly dependent on uncontrolable factors, mainly the weather, which constitute the external environment.

Given the purpose of the SEPATOU system some modeling restrictions are assumed: