SEPATOU : simulator of rotational grazing management in a dairy production system




Implementation (Code available on SourceSup)

The SEPATOU software is a discrete event simulator with time management directed by clock.
It is composed of two parts:

The heart of the simulator

The discrete-event simulator at the core of SEPATOU is designed to work as follows. Every day it checks whether a noticeable event has occurred, and if so, the plans attached to the activities are eventually created or adapted, using planning rules. By using action rules the general instructions specified in the plans are then transformed into executable actions that depend on the current situation of the biophysical system (more precisely on the decision maker perception of the current situation), the external environment and the current date. The changes that the actions cause on the biophysical system are then computed, resulting in a milk production figure for this day and an updating of the biophysical state that corresponds at this point to the situation at the beginning of the next day.  The simulator then considers the next day and performs a similar processing. The iterations are pursued until the end of the simulated period.

Use of the software: a three-step process

The user must first describe the following inputs: The desired outputs need to be specified because their number affects the time of simulation. For a PC computer with a Pentium III at 500 MHz, the speed of simulation is 2.3 simulations par second when all possible outputs are desired and 8.3 simulations per second for the minimum outputs which are average values for each realized simulation.

The second step encompasses a pre-processing phase and the running of the simulations. The pre-processing consists in parsing and then translating the strategy from the LnU language specifically developed for strategy representation into the C++ programming language in which the simulator is implemented. The translated strategy must then be compiled and linked with the code of the simulation mechanism. At this stage simulations with different climate scenorios can be run.

In the third step, the user can visualise the outputs of simulations. A set of display options is provided for helping to analyse the results. The time series of any user-selected variable throughout a set of simulated years can be visualised: for example, the diet composition throughout one particular year, or the chronicle of the executed actions concerning rotations, silage cutting, hay cutting and fertilisation on each pasture.

If the results are not satisfying , the user migth modify the strategy and vizualize the newly obtained results.
During this trial-and-error process, the user better apprehends the functionning of the considered complex production system and learns to better manage it.

Last modifications: January 2018