SEPATOU : simulator of rotational grazing management in a dairy production system



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Presentation in the Visualise menu of the option ChronologicalResults

In the following window the user can select what to display among the recorded results to realize a detailed analysis for some years.
Days are noted from 1 to 315. Simulations are realized from day 32 (february 1st) to 213 (July 31) of a given year.

Window to choice and display simulations results for each simulated year
At rigth, selection of results, at left years to take into account.
The arrow buttons are used to transfer selections from the left frame (possible choices) to rhe right frame (selections to display) or vice versa.

The 'Résumé de simulations' button display a table with values of some important variables for each years simulated.

Windows displaying some important variables for various simulated years

The 'Trace décision' button (here not enabled because this result was not required before simulating) allows to visualize a trace of the decision process day after day. It gives which rules had been tested, fired and which actions had been executed.

The 'Chronique des actions' displays a grazing calendar.

Display of a grazing calendar for a specified year
The 'Texte' button displays a textual description of all realized actions for this specified year.

The 'Alimentation' button displays the daily feeding repartion of a cow.

Visualization of the daily feeding repartition of a cow for a specified year

The display of selected variables will depend of type variables. If a variable is numerical, the display is graphic (curves), if not the display is a table. If the variable is attached to fields, the display allows to navigate from one field to the others successively.

Graphical display of the evolution of a numerical variable (here dry matter in g/m2 found on a field) for selected years
The 'Numérique' button displays the numeric value of the variable for each day.

Display of the evolution of a variable (here the set of fields in the pool of grazable fields) the value of which is a set of name

Last modifications: December 2002