SEPATOU : simulator of rotational grazing management in a dairy production system



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Presentation in the Visualise menu of the Climates option

In the folowing window it is possible to select time series of climatic parameters to be displayed from either real or generated climatic years.

Window to select years and climatic parameters to visualize
The arrow buttons are used to transfer selections from the left frame (possible choices) to rhe right frame (selections to display) or vice versa.

Each selected climatic parameter are displayed in separate window. For example, here is the visualization of the temperature for a set of three real years.

Visualizatin of the temperature (in °C) evolution during 3 real years
The X axis is time counted from 1 to 365 for a year.

Presentation in the Visualize menu of the Report option

The current report is displayed page after page as shown in the following window.

Window to visualize the current report page after page

Presentation in the Visualize menu of the Configuration option

This option allows to visualize some information on the current configuration (farm, strategy, required simulations, required results), as shown in the following window.

Window to visualize some information about the current configuration

Last modifications: December 2002