SEPATOU : simulator of rotational grazing management in a dairy production system



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Presentation in the Configure menu of the option Strategy

The following window is displayed allowing to describe the various element of the strategy to consider. When no current strategy is defined the description is empty. The user has to declare each element of the strategy or to load a configuration, which include a strategy to gether with others elements describing a particular farm.

Window to describe a strategy
The 'Ajouter' (add) buttons allow to declare a new element of the strategy (planning rule, acting rule, indicator, interpretation function).
The 'Enlever' (remove) buttons allows to remove an existing element selected in a list.
Acting rules are defined for each activity. A button with multiple choices of activity allows to display the list of rules for the coresponding activity (here conserved feed).

Window to describe a planning rule

Window to describe an acting rule

Window to describe an indicator

Window to describe an interpretation function

Last modifications: December 2002