Download GMDPtoolbox
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download the file
Unzip the file and go to the created directory.
On Linux system execute the following system commands:
cd gmdptoolbox
GMDPtoolbox relies on graphViz4Matlab toolbox to display graphs. Download this toolbox,
from MatlabCentral in the gmdptoolbox directory.
Unzip the file.
On Linux system execute the following system command:
To use the toolbox in a MATLAB session, add the gmdptoolbox directory and subdirectories to search path.
Execute the following MATLAB commands:
>> GMDPtoolbox_path = pwd;
>> addpath(genpath(GMDPtoolbox_path))
In this MATLAB session, it is then possible to use all the GMDPtoolbox functions.
To access the PDF user documentation, open the file doc/ReferenceManual.pdf with an appropriate software.
Quick start
To quickly learn how to use the toolbox, open the file doc/QuickStart.pdf with an appropriate software.
If you not have found below the answer at your question or to suggest a feature, add a request on the Bugs and Feature request of the project.
* Why can I not visualize a graph with a function should open a figure window ?
First, be sure to have added the path to graphViz4Matlab toolbox directory and sub-directories in search paths of your MATLAB session (see above procedure).
Second, check if you are allowed to write files in the current directory when the function is called. A temporary file has to be written before displaying the graph in a MATLAB figure window.
Third, check the installation of graphViz4Matlab toolbox. in MATLAB, add the toolbox directory and sub-directories to search paths.
Try to execute the following command: 'demos/graphViz4MatlabDEMO1'. A MATLAB figure window must open.
Finally, be sure that graphviz is installed and accessible. Test the dot command, try to execute in a system window 'dot -V'.
The version should be displayed: 'dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)'.
* What is the 'parfor' instruction in gmdp_policy_iteration_MF function ?
When the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox is available, execute loop iterations in parallel.
* I do not have the MATLAB Parallel toolbox ?
Change 'parfor' in 'for' in the code of the 2 resolution functions: gmdp_linear_programming and gmdp_policy_iteration_MF.
* The following functions gmdp_eval_policy_value, gmdp_eval_policy_value_site _contribution,
gmdp_eval_policy_state_time do not handle a GMDP with 1 site ?
This is a limit case for a GMDP. These functions test the size of the variables created by gmdp_simulate_policy.
One of the dimension is the number of site, so the variables are seen in 2 dimensions.
Just comment the dimension test at the beginning of the function, it then run well.
* Error with graphViz4Matlab: "There is no DisplayName property on the Rectangle class.
Error in graphViz4MatlabNode/drawNode" ?
The error was find with the following call:
>>value_site = gmdp_eval_policy_value_site_contribution(GMDP, discount, sim_reward);
Error using rectangle
There is no DisplayName property on the Rectangle class.
Error in graphViz4MatlabNode/drawNode (line 193)
obj.rechandle = rectangle(...
To avoid it, edit the file graphViz4Matlab_03Mar2010/util/graphViz4MatlabNode.m
and remove the line 201:
'DisplayName' ,obj.label ,....