

Saves the state of the current session in a file that can be later used to restore the current state (data sets loaded, markers merged, heap state). This is different from cgout which allows to save the output of the commands issued as they are executed.


The cgsave command is invoked either as:


The cgsave command enable to save a CarthaGene session state to a Tcl script. The state of the session is defined by all the data sets including merged datasets, the loci selected, the merged loci, and all the map stored in the heap. By running the tcl script all the entities mentioned before will be regenerated. To restore a session, type the command source followed by the name of the file.

Be careful, only the path to the the data sets file are kept by the script file. They may be relatives, and your script will depend on the working location. Nevertheless, the script is editable.



CG> cgsave secur0.tcl
The file secure0.tcl already exist, replacing it? ([y] or n):y
Your session has been successfully saved.
To restore it, type : source secure0.tcl
CG> cgrestart
CG> source secur0.tcl

See also:

Thomas Schiex 2018-03-23