MDP Toolbox for MATLAB

Functions by category

Examples of MDP

mdp_example_rand Generates a random MDP problem
mdp_example_forest Generates a MDP for a simple forest management problem

Resolution of discrete-time MDP

Finite horizon

mdp_finite_horizon Solves finite-horizon MDP using backwards induction algorithm

Discounted criterium

mdp_LP Solves discounted MDP using linear programming algorithm
mdp_policy_iteration Solves discounted MDP using policy iteration algorithm
mdp_policy_iteration_modified Solves discounted MDP using modified policy iteration algorithm
mdp_value_iteration Solves discounted MDP using value iteration algorithm
mdp_value_iterationGS Solves discounted MDP using Gauss-Seidel's value iteration algorithm
mdp_Q_learning Solves discounted MDP using the Q-learning algorithm (Reinforcement Learning)

Average criterion

mdp_relative_value_iteration Solves MDP with average reward using relative value iteration algorithm


mdp_bellman_operator Applies the Bellman operator
mdp_check Checks the validity of a MDP
mdp_check_square_stochastic Checks if a matrix is square and stochastic
mdp_computePR Computes a reward matrix for any form of transition and reward functions
mdp_computePpolicyPRpolicy Computes the transition matrix and the reward matrix for a fixed policy
mdp_eval_policy_iterative Evaluates a policy using an iterative method
mdp_eval_policy_matrix Evaluates a policy using matrix inversion and product
mdp_eval_policy_TD_0 Evaluates a policy using the TD(0) algorithm (Reinforcement Learning)
mdp_eval_policy_optimality Computes sets of 'near optimal' actions for each state
mdp_span Evaluates the span of a vector
mdp_value_iteration_bound_iter Computes a bound on the number of iterations for the value iteration algorithm
mdp_silent, mdp_verbose Calls silent or verbose running mode

MDP Toolbox for MATLAB

File : MDPtoolbox/documentation/index_category.html
Page created on July 31, 2001. Last update on August 31, 2009.