MDP Toolbox for MATLAB |
Solves MDP with average reward with relative value iteration algorithm.
[policy, average_reward, cpu_time] = mdp_relative_value_iteration (P, R)
[policy, average_reward, cpu_time] = mdp_relative_value_iteration (P, R, epsilon)
[policy, average_reward, cpu_time] = mdp_relative_value_iteration (P, R, epsilon, max_iter)
mdp_relative_value_iteration applies the relative value iteration
algorithm to solve MDP with average reward. The algorithm
consists in solving optimality equations iteratively.
Iterating is stopped when an epsilon-optimal policy is found or after a specified number (max_iter) of iterations is done.
This fonction uses verbose and silent modes. In verbose mode, the function
displays the span of (Un+1-Un) for each iteration.
P can be a 3 dimensions array (SxSxA) or a cell array (1xA), each cell containing a sparse matrix (SxS).
R can be a 3 dimensions array (SxSxA) or a cell array (1xA), each cell containing a sparse matrix (SxS) or a 2D array (SxA) possibly sparse.
epsilon is a real in [0; 1].
By default, epsilon is set to 0.01.
max_iter is an integer greater than 0.
By default, max_iter is set to 1000.
policy is a (Sx1) vector. Each element is an integer
corresponding to an action which maximizes the value function.
average_reward is a real.
In grey, verbose mode display.
>> P(:,:,1) = [ 0.5 0.5;   0.8 0.2 ];
>> P(:,:,2) = [ 0 1;   0.1 0.9 ];
>> R = [ 5 10;   -1 2 ];
>> [policy, average_reward, cpu_time] = mdp_relative_value_iteration(P, R)
   Iteration U_variation
        1             8
        2             3.4
        3             2.72
        4             2.176
        5             1.7408
        6             1.3926
        7             1.1141
        8             0.89129
        9             0.71303
        10             0.57043
        11             0.45634
        12             0.36507
        13             0.29206
        14             0.23365
        15             0.18692
        16             0.14953
        17             0.11963
        18             0.095701
        19             0.076561
        20             0.061249
        21             0.048999
        22             0.039199
        23             0.031359
        24             0.025088
        25             0.02007
        26             0.016056
        27             0.012845
        28             0.010276
        29             0.0082207
MDP Toolbox : iterations stopped, epsilon-optimal policy found
policy =
average_reward =
cpu_time =
In the above example, P can be a cell array containing sparse matrices:
>> P{1} = sparse([ 0.5 0.5;  0.8 0.2 ]);
>> P{2} = sparse([ 0 1;  0.1 0.9 ]);
The function call is unchanged.
MDP Toolbox for MATLAB |