The toolbox exists
Octave, Scilab (up to version 5.4) and R environments.
Note that all source code are available on the Project Forge Files page.
For Matlab and GNU Octave
The toolbox (functions, README file and HTML documentation) is available on Matlab Central.
- Open the MatlabCentral MDPtoolbox page in a new window. Then click on the 'Download submission' button to upload the file.
- On your computer, unpack the .zip file:
- with WINDOWS, use Winzip software,
- with Unix, use the command 'unzip'.
For Scilab
The toolbox is integrated as an ATOM in Scilab environment untill version 5.4.
- Call the Scilab environment, click on the 'Module manager - ATOMS' button (the icon is an opened box).
- In the new window opened, click on the 'Optimization' category.
Click on MDPtoolbox. In the right part of the window, click on the 'Install' button.
For R
The toolbox is integrated in CRAN archive. Note that the package depends of Matrix and linprog packages.
- Call the R environment, then execute the following command:
install.packages("MDPtoolbox", dependencies = TRUE)
Note that the R documentation is also available on the Project Forge Files page in the section MDPtoolbox. Upload the file MDPtoolbox_R_manual.pdf.
Reserve design example
Some toy examples (rand and forest examples) are provided with the toolbox.
A more realistic example in ecology is also provided on the Project Forge Files page in the section MDPtoolbox.
The codage in all the considered environments: MATLAB/GNU Octave, Scilab and R can be downloaded (files ReserveDesign*.zip).
For a description of this example, see:
- Costello, C. & Polasky, S. (2004) Dynamic reserve site selection. Resource and Energy Economics, 26, 157-174.
- Sabbadin, R., Spring, D. & Rabier, C.E. (2007) Dynamic reserve site selection under contagion risk of deforestation. Ecological Modelling, 201, 75-81.