

Tries to optimize the maximum multipoint loglikelihood using a dedicated taboo search algorithm.


The greedy command is invoked either as:


The greedy command tries to improve the loglikelihood of the best known order for the current list of active loci (the best map in the heap) using a dedicated taboo search algorithm. This iterative algorithm will automatically compute a minimum number of iterations but additional iterations can be requested by setting the parameter Fuel to perform additional iterations. The TabooMin TabooMax indicates the minimum and maximum length of the taboo list which varies stochastically during search. These two parameters are %ages (between 0 and 100). Finally, the search is repeated NbLoop times if requested. The Anytime ratio controls the tradeoff between search speed and solution quality. It may vary from 0 to 100.

During the search, the algorithm gives some feedback by printing either:

Arguments :


nothing. All the map explored by the algorithm are candidate for the heap.


   CarthaGene version 1.2-LKH, Copyright (c) 1997-2010 (INRA).

   CarthaGene comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
   CarthaGene is free software. You are welcome to redistribute it,
   under certain conditions. See the License file for information.

Type 'help' for help.

CG> dsload Data/
{1 haploid RH 53 118 /home/tschiex/Dev/carthagene/doc/user/exemple/Data/}
CG> group 0.3 3
CG> mrkselset [groupget 10]

CG> sem

Map -1 : log10-likelihood =  -161.87
 Set : Marker List ...
   1 : G5 G18 G17 G14 G16 G13 G12 G6 G7

CG> greedy 1 0 5 25 0

Map -1 : log10-likelihood =  -161.87
 Set : Marker List ...
   1 : G5 G18 G17 G14 G16 G13 G12 G6 G7
Run number 0


CG> flips 9 0 0

Single Flip(window size : 9, threshold : 0.00).

Map -1 : log10-likelihood =  -141.81
 Set : Marker List ...
   1 : G7 G12 G13 G16 G6 G5 G17 G18 G14

 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 3 2  log10
 1 6 7 0 0 9 1 2 8   -141.81

See also:

Thomas Schiex 2018-03-23