| Download and install |
ApolloRNA is supported on Windows, MAC OS X and Linux type platforms.
Note that the installation requires to install several softwares: Apollo, convert from the ImageMagick package, RNAfold and RNAeval from the Vienna RNA package.
Administrator access is required to easily install ImageMagick on your computer.
A download and install protocol is described on Nature Protocols Networks.
Below, a short description is also provided for the considered platforms:
Windows Instructions
- Go to the Apollo download page, download installer for Windows (which includes Java VM) and follow installation instructions.
- Under the Apollo root directory, in the jars directory, rename apollo.jar to apollo.jar.save.
- Go to the ApolloRNA download page and download the file apollo.jar in the Apollo root directory.
- Save the files RNAfold.exe and RNAeval.exe in the Apollo root directory.
- Configure environment variable Path :
- On the desktop, click Start, click Control Panel, (For Windows XP Professionnal users, click Performance and Maintenance), and then click System.
- On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
If the User variable 'Path' exists:
Select 'Path', click edit and add at the end of the value line ";"+way of the Apollo root directory.
For instance, if the Apollo root directory is C:\Documents and Settings\dupont\Apollo, add the text:
;C:\Documents and Settings\dupont\Apollo
Click add, create a variable named 'Path' and affect it the value way of the Apollo root directory.
For instance, if the Apollo root directory is C:\Documents and Settings\dupont\Apollo, affect the text:
C:\Documents and Settings\dupont\Apollo
- Install ImageMagick for Windows
- Install Ghostscript
- Go to ghostscript download page.
- In the part "File Releases", in subpart "AFPL Ghostscript", download gs854w32.exe.
- Execute it.
To launch ApolloRNA: in the Apollo root directory, click the Apollo icon.
Mac OS X Instructions
- Go to the Apollo download page, download installer for WindowsMAC OS X and follow installation instructions.
- Check if SUN Java1.5 is installed on your computer. (To know the java version, open a shell and at the prompt, type:
java -version
If Java1.5 isn't installed, go to Apple's instructions on how to do this, using Software Updates.
- Configure Apollo for Java
- Open a shell and at the prompt, type:
which java
The displayed line is for instance "/usr/bin/java"
- In the Apollo root directory, in the subdirectory conf, open apollo.cfg and add for instance the line:
JavaPath "/usr/"
- Undet the Apollo root directory, in the jars directory, rename apollo.jar to apollo.jar.save.
- Go to the ApolloRNA download page and download the file apollo.jar in the Apollo root directory.
- Install the Vienna RNA package (which included RNAfold et RNAeval)
- Install ImageMagick
- Install Ghostscript
- Go to Ghostscript download page.
- In part "File Releases", in subpart "AFPL Ghostscript", download ghostscript-8.54.tar.gz in your Applications directory.
- To unpack it, open a shell and go to the Applications directory.
At the prompt, type:
tar xzvf ghostscript-8.54.tar.gz
- To install Ghostscript, type:
cd ghostscript-8.54
make install
To launch ApolloRNA: open a shell, go to the Apollo root directory and type:
Linux Instructions
- Go to the Apollo download page, download installer for Linux (which includes Java VM) and follow installation instructions..
- Under the Apollo root directory, in thr jars directory, rename apollo.jar to apollo.jar.save.
- Go to the ApolloRNA download page and download the file apollo.jar in the Apollo root directory.
- Install the Vienna RNA package (which included RNAfold et RNAeval)
- Install ImageMagick
- Install Ghostscript
- Go to Ghostscript download page.
- In part "File Releases", in subpart "AFPL Ghostscript", download ghostscript-8.54.tar.gz.
- To unpack it, open a shell and go to the directory where the file was downloaded.
At the prompt, type:
tar xzvf ghostscript-8.54.tar.gz
- To install Ghostscript, type:
cd ghostscript-8.54
make install
To launch ApolloRNA: open a shell, go to the Apollo root directory and type:
Last update: January 4, 2018