- Selected recent publications
For a more comprehensive list of publications: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=saVN7-mB57IC&hl=en.
- MDPtoolbox: https://miat.inrae.fr/MDPtoolbox/. A Matlab/Scilab/Octave/R toolbox grouping MDP solution utilities.
- Authors: Chades I., Chapron G., Cros MJ., Garcia F., Sabbadin R.
- Paper: Chades I., Chapron G., Cros MJ., Garcia F., Sabbadin R. (2014). MDPtoolbox: a multi-platform toolbox to solve stochastic dynamic programming problems. Ecography 37:916-920.
- GMDPtoolbox: https://miat.inrae.fr/GMDPtoolbox/. A Matlab toolbox grouping GMDP representation and solution utilities.
- Authors: Cros MJ, Peyrard N., Sabbadin R.
- Paper: Cros (M.J.), Aubertot (J.N.), Peyrard (N.) and Sabbadin (R.). GMDPtoolbox: A Matlab library for designing spatial management policies. Application to the long-term collective management of an airborne disease. PLoS ONE 12(10), 2017.
- GMtoolbox: https://miat.inrae.fr/GMtoolbox/. A Matlab toolbox implementing inference tools for graphical models, described in: JS Yedidia, WT Freeman, Y Weiss, “Constructing Free-Energy Approximations and Generalized Belief Propagation Approximations,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2005) vol. 51, pp. 2282-2312.
- Authors: Cros MJ, Peyrard N., Sabbadin R.
- GTNash: https://game-theory-tools-group.pages.mia.inra.fr/gtnash/main/index.html. The GTNash toolbox proposes a set of tools to represent games in normal form, succinct form (polymatrix, graphical, hypergraphical), succinct form with incomplete information (bayesian, bayesian hypergraphical) and to compute Nash equilibria (pure, mixed).
- Authors: Jourdan, P., Casellas, E., Chabrier, P., Fargier, H., Sabbadin, R.
- Paper: Fargier, H., Jourdan, P. and R. Sabbadin. A Path-following Polynomial Equations Systems Approach for Computing Nash Equilibria. Proc’ of AAMAS, 2022.
- German-French ANR PRCI project CHIP-GT (Coordinating Heterogeneous Interacting Planning Agents using Game Theory), 2023-2027. Co-Coordinator
- French ANR project HSMM-INCA (Hidden Semi Markov Models: INference, Control and Applications), 2022-2026. Participant
- French ANR project PROBITY (Modulating the gene networks underlying phenotypic robustness in plant quantitative immunity), (2019-2022). Participant
PhD Students
- Orlane Rossini, co-supervised with Benoîte de Saporta (IMAG-Université de Montpellier) and Alice Cleynen (IMAG-CNRS-Université de Montpellier). ‘‘Model-based reinforcement learning for the control of partially oberservable piecewise deterministic semi-Markovian decision processes’’, Université de Montpellier (2023-…)
- Paul Jourdan, cosupervised with H. Fargier (IRIT-Université de Toulouse). ‘‘Algorithmique des jeux succincts et à information incomplète’’, Université Toulouse III, ED MITT (2019-2022).
- Arij Azzabi, cosupervised with N. Ben Amor (ISG, Tunis) and H. Fargier (IRIT-Université de Toulouse). ‘‘Représentation compacte des jeux ordinaux’’. ISG-Tunis et Université Toulouse III (2018-2021).
- Etienne Auclair, cosupervised with N. Peyrard (INRA-MIA, Toulouse). ‘‘Apprentissage de structure d’un réseau écologique mal connu pour la conservation de la biodiversité’’, Université Toulouse III, ED MITT (2015-2018).
- Hui Xiao, cosupervised with E. McDonald-Madden (University of Queensland) and I. Chadès (CSIRO). ‘‘Optimal management of both ecosystem services and biodiversity, using network theory’’, University of Queensland, school of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management (2015-2018).
- Julia Radoszycki, cosupervised with S. Gaba (INRA-SPE, Dijon) and N. Peyrard (INRA-MIA, Toulouse). ‘‘Méthodes de conception par optimisation de stratégies spatiales de gestion de communautés de plantes adventices’’, Université Toulouse III, ED MITT(2012-2015).
-Mathieu BONNEAU, cosupervised with S. Gaba (INRA-SPE, Dijon) and N. Peyrard (INRA-MIA, Toulouse). ‘‘Développement d’une méthode adaptative d’échantillonnage spatialisé pour caractériser la composition du stock semencier des espèces adventices à l’échelle de la mosaïque paysagère’’, Université Toulouse III, ED MITT(2009-2012).
-Nicklas FORSELL with F. Garcia (INRA-MIA, Toulouse), L.-O. Eriksson (SLU, Umea, Sweden) and P. Wikström (SLU, Umea, Sweden). ‘‘MDP Approaches for Complex Forest Planning Under Uncertainty’’, SLU, Umea (2005-2009).
- Nasolo RAVOANJANAHARY with J. Lang (CNRS-UPS, Toulouse). ‘‘Processus décisionnels épistémiques et élicitation interactive de préférences’’, Université Toulouse III, ED MITT (2004-2008).
- Lise Pomiès, co-supervised with F. Garcia and N. Peyrard. ‘‘Modifications du transcriptome du champignon pathogène S.scle lors de l’infection de différentes plantes hôtes’’, 2020-2022.
- Yann Dujardin, co-supervised with N. Peyrard (INRA-MIAT) and A. Vialatte (INRA-DYNAFOR). ‘‘Multi-objective optimization applied to the management of landscapes provisioning several ecosystem services’’. Post-doc INRA-AgreenSkills, 2017-2019.