PhD Students
Linear programming
- Sara Maqrot (2015-2019) : Méthode approchée en programmation mathématique. Application à la conception de vergers maraîchers
Simulation and Decision
- Christopher Herbez (2013-2016) : Parallélisation massive de dynamiques spatiales : contribution à la gestion durable du mildiou de la pomme de terre.
- Mahuna Akplogan (2008-2013) : Approche modulaire pour la planification continue. Application à la conduite des systèmes de culture.
Recent IT Developments
Discret Event Simulation
- 2020-2023, Irritator, An interactive DEVS modelling and simulation software. (MIT C++20)
- 2003-2023, VLE, A multi-modelling and simulation platform supporting the use of different formalisms for the specification of models and implementing the corresponding solvers in a unified manner. Large user communauty. (GPLv3 C++14/R/Python/MPI)
Linear optimisation
- 2016-2023, Baryonyx, A Boolean/Integer linear programming solver. (MIT C++14/R)
Qualitative multi-attribute decision models and optimisation
- 2016-2023, Efyj, A DEXi (A Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making) tool with experimental frames and large model solver supports. (MIT C++14/R)
Project participation
- French ANR project ESCAPADE (2013-1017)
- INRAE DigitBio project Template