Projects [to be updated]

GenEndurance and EcaOmics : The project Genendurance aims to study of the relations between performances, genotype and metabolism measurements of horse in endurance races. Through the EcaOmics project, the relations with gut microbiote are analysed.

Partners. INRA :UMR GABI (Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology)

                INSERM : U902
                Ecole Nationale Véterinaire d'Alfort.

ObOmics and ProteoCardis : The aims of these projects are to analyse the associations between gut microbiote measurements (meta-genomics, meta-proteomics and metabolomics data) and pathologies.

Partners. INRA: MICALIS (Food Microbiology for Health), PAPPSO (platform for Proteomics Analysis), MaIAGE (Mathematics and Informatics, from Gene to Environment).
               CNRS- Starbourg : IPHC (Multi-disciplinary Institute Hubert Curien)
               ICAN (Institute for Cardiometabolism and Nutrition)

ITEMAIZE : The goal of this project is to develop integrative approaches to analyse the variations of flowering timein maize and provide a predicting model based on genotype and environmental variables. It maked use of a material created over 18 years by conducting tow divergent selection experiment,in which plants with early and late flowering are selected each year.

Partners. INRA : EcoSys (Functional Ecology and Ecotoxicology of agri-ecosystems), GQE le Moulom (Quantitative Genetics), ESE (Ecology and Ecosystems), MaIAGE (Mathematics and Informatics, from Gene to Environment).
              AgroParisTech : IJPB ( Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin),.
              CNRS : EGCE (Evolution, Genomes, and Ecology)

SystOmics. The project SystOmics aims to elucidate the functioning of microbiome consortia of lignocellulosic biomass, in order to use this knowledge for future developments of renewable energy sources, through an experiment including repeated omics measurements.

Partners. INRA : LISBP (Ingeneering of Biological Systems and Process), MaIAGE (Mathematics and Informatics, from Gene to Environment).

                            Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse) : Biostatistics Platform GenoToul
                            Center for environmental Research- UFZ : Depsartment of Molecular System Biology.