CarthaGène Installation

CarthaGène installation procedure depends on the architecture used. Select the architecture below:

Windows installation

To install CarthaGene on Windows, you must do the following:

  1. uninstall any previous version installed. This means that you must both delete the previous CarthaGène directory and uninstall the Tcl/Tk package (from the windows Control Panel)
  2. unpack the carthagene1.0.exe executable archive you downloaded.

  3. Ecran1

  4. in this directory, double click on the Active Tcl/Tk windows installation kit (file ActiveTcl8.


    WARNING, to install this package you must be a privileged user (Windows XP, 2000 or NT) or the rest of the installation will fail.
    For Windows Vista you can either choose to open in administrator's role to install for every user ou just open for you (use a right click on the file).

  5. Ecran4

  6. Once Tcl is installed, double-click on the InstallWin Tcl file.


    You get no feedback, but this creates the tclshrc, cgwopt… files needed by CarthaGene to run.

  7. Ecran9

  8. This is it. You can now directly execute CarthaGene by going in the gui directory and double-clicing on the CGW file.

    For ease of use, you can create a Shortcut to this file and put it in your favorite location (eg. Menubar).

  9. If the user interface doesn't start, check the contents of the cgwlog file for error messages.

If you don't want to use the graphical interface but only the Shell interface, simply launch TkCon (available in the main Windows application menu, under the ActiveTcl line) and load the tclshrc.tcl (File menu, Load File item). file from it.

Unix (Linux/Solaris) installation

To install CarthaGene on Unix systems, you must decide where will CarthaGene and ActiveTcl be installed. In the rest of this page, we assume that you will install them in your home directory ~/.

  1. put the downloaded distribution file carthagene1.0*.tar.gz in the directory chosen for installation:
     % mv carthagene1.0*.tar.gz ~/
     % cd ~/
  2. Unpack the CarthaGene distribution:
    % gunzip carthagene1.0*.tar.gz

    % tar xvf carthagene1.0*.tar
    This will create a carthagene1.0 directory. Enter it.
    % cd carthagene1.0
  3. Unpack ActiveTcl8.4.2.0-*-*.tar
    % gunzip ActiveTcl8.4*.tar*
    % tar xvf ActiveTcl8.4*.tar
    This will create a directory whose name stats with ActiveTcl8.4.

  4. Remove the archive,go in this directory and execute to install ActiveTcl.
     % rm ActiveTcl8.4*.tar
     % cd ActiveTcl8.4*
     % ./
    Click "Next", accept the license and when you are requested to specify the installation directory, enter ~/ActiveTcl. Just press "Next" for all the following questions and click "Finish".

  5. You must then modify your shell PATH variable to indicate where Tcl executables and CarthaGene executables are.

    1. For a csh or compatible shell (like tcsh) type:
      % setenv PATH $HOME/ActiveTcl/bin:$HOME/carthagene1.0/gui:$HOME/carthagene1.0/script:${PATH}
      Edit your shell startup file (this file is ~/.cshrc or .tcshrc for tcsh) and insert the very same line at the end of it.

    2. for a sh or similar shell (like bash) type:
      % PATH=$HOME/ActiveTcl/bin:$HOME/carthagene1.0/gui:$HOME/carthagene1.0/script:${PATH}
      % export PATH
      Edit your shell startup file (this file is called ~/.profile or .bash_profile or .login) and insert the very same lines at the end of it.

  6. Go in the ~/carthagene1.0 directory and run the Tcl script install*.tcl in it to copy the configuration files from this directory to your home directory.
     % cd ~/carthagene1.0
     % tclsh install*.tcl
  7. The CarthaGene shell and graphical user interfaces are now ready to use from your environment. To launch the graphical interface type:
    % CGW.tcl
    To launch the shell interface, just type:
    % tclsh
  8. you can now delete if you wish the ActiveTcl8.4* directory in the ~/carthagene1.0 directory.
    % rm -r ~/carthagene1.0/ActiveTcl8.4*
    If the GUI doesn't start, check the contents of the ~/.cgwlog file in your home directory for error messages.

If you are a system administrator and want to provide a system-wide installation available for all users, just do the very same process as the root user but using eg. /usr/local instead of ~/. You must also modify the sytem-wide startup files to provide consistent shell PATH variables to the users.

WARNING: you must check that the ActiveTcl files appear BEFORE any other possible existing Tcl installation in the PATH

Thomas Schiex
Last modified: Tue Jul 13 11:33:24 CEST 2004