Loading data

Now we will begin by loading a dataset. The corresponding command is textttdsload. If you want to learn more about this command, you can use the ``-H'' flag:

CG> dsload -H

Usage : dsload [-h | -H | -u | FileName]

Description : dsload loads a data set. The file format expected for a biolo...
To load the first population (it should be available in the Data/mouse.raw file1.1 :
CG> dsload Data/mouse.raw
{1 intercross 308 46 /home/tschiex/Dev/carthagene/doc/user/exemple/Data/mou...
Upon loading, CarthaGene computes all the two-points statistics (LOD, distances...) and returns the id of the population, here 1, the type of the population (intercross), the number of individuals (46) and the number of markers (308).

We can now have a look to the the populations loaded using the dsinfo (dataset information) command.

CG> dsinfo

Data Sets :
ID        Data Type    markers individuals             filename constraints...
 1       intercross        308          46            mouse.raw
We can check that the population number 1, the last loaded, is the current population.

We can now give a look to the markers that have been mentionned in the loaded dataset. To display the loci, their numerical id and the data set they come from, we can use the mrkinfo command:

CG> mrkinfo

Thomas Schiex 2018-03-23